Saturday, 22 September 2012


Whilst I'm not planning to post every day, I'm currently making the most of available internet and time to myself before I start at Mahali Pa Watoto on Monday, and I thought I'd show you some more pictures! I've had a pottering sort of day today, organising my new home and settling in. I also seem to have turned into someone who makes homemade dip and even does the washing up straight after lunch - my mother would be proud! Plus I've been letting the washing up water cool and using it to water the plants outside, it's so easy and makes sense in a dry country - although we actually had a few drops of rain this afternoon!

Anyway, on with the pictures...

Mango for breakfast!

View for breakfast!

Banana tree!

Little lizard guy who seems to live under my step

"What are you looking at?"

Massive avocados I bought yesterday with a biro for scale
Having bought these avocados I knew I wouldn't exactly be able to eat them in one go, so I decided to have a try at making sort-of-guacamole (without the chilli etc as I'm not great with hot stuff). So here's what I did:

Take one avocado:

Prepare some slightly squishy cherry tomatoes by sort-of blanching them with hot water to make them a bit more squishable (and also to kill potential germs, I'm a little paranoid after getting food poisoning the last time I was here!)

Pick some fresh coriander from the garden, wash and chop.

Get distracted after tasting the delicious creamy loveliness and decide to eat half the avocado as it is with some grated cheese (well I was hungry, I'd been chatting to my family on skype and it was well past lunchtime!)

Mush together the remaining avocado, the tomatoes and the coriander:

Serve some spoonfuls of the sort-of-guacamole with carrot sticks and bread for a yummy lunch!

It was delicious, though I say so myself!

And now for some pictures of my new home, while it's relatively tidy:

My home from the outside

Asali the dog (with a poorly burnt nose) came to inspect...

... and went away again!

View inside from the doorway looking straight ahead

Looking to the left from the front door

Big comfy sofa

Bookcase with cards from Jon and my family

Pile of stuff to take to Mahali Pa Watoto

My bed with mosquito net just installed - I've been bitten already!
(And yes, that is a tiger. Well they don't live in Kenya so I brought my own with me!)

Kitcheny area

Bathroom (and family photos I brought)

Shower (this is getting silly now!)

Me in the mirror!
And with that, dear readers, I shall leave you. Tomorrow we are going to church for the early service - no sleeping in for me! So I'd better get to bed soon...

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